
US Magazine Revenue Falls 2.5% in April

US Magazine Revenue Falls 2.5% in April

Total magazine advertising revenue for April was $1,530,036,790, a 2.5% decrease on last year, according to the Publishers Information Bureau (PIB).

Ad pages for April were 20,317, down 10.8% on last year. April revenue increased 11% over that of March and year-to-date advertising revenue decreased by 5.0%, closing at $4,815,804,645. Total ad pages were 66,906, down 13.1% over last year.
Magazine Advertising Totals By Category, April 2002 
ÂÂ April 2001 v April 2002  Jan – April 2001 v Jan – April 2002 
Sector  % Change (revenue)  % Change (pages)  % Change (revenue)  % Change (pages) 
Automotive -13.5% -22.7% -3.2% -7.8%
Apparel & Accessories -3.2% -11.1% 10.1% 3.1%
Home Furnishings & Supplies 1.0% -7.0% 9.9% -1.1%
Food & Food Products 20.1% 5.9% -1.4% -10.5%
Technology -22.3% -25.8% 2.1% -5.7%
Toiletries & Cosmetics 1.9% -2.6% -15.3% -21.6%
Retail 12.0% -0.4% 1.6% -8.0%
Direct Response Companies 12.4% 6.4% -24.6% -33.4%
Media & Advertising -10.1% -9.3% -0.3% -6.3%
Financial, Insurance & Real Estate -22.1% -32.2% -22.7% -28.4%
Drugs & Remedies 0.8% -11.0% -10.8% -14.4%
Transportation, Hotels & Resorts -7.5% -8.9% -18.1% -15.7%
Total  -2.5%  -9.9%  -6.1%  -12.5% 
Source: PIB, May 2002 

“We are pleased that April spending and pages in magazine advertising show an increase vs March. In addition, more categories showed growth,” noted Ellen Oppenheim, executive vice president/chief marketing officer, Magazine Publishers of America. “We’re cautiously optimistic that this will continue.”

For comparison, March’s figures are available US Magazines Revenue Decline Slows In March.

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