
European Ecommerce Growth Is Triple That Of United States

European Ecommerce Growth Is Triple That Of United States

European ecommerce revenue growth is around triple that of the United States and is set to reach almost $1 trillion by 2004, according to new forecasts from eMarketer. By the same year, US ecommerce revenue will have reached $1.14 trillion.

The European market is set to achieve a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 142% between 2001 and 2004. The US, by comparison, will have a CAGR of just 48%, according to the forecasts.
European And US Ecommerce Revenue Forecasts ($ billion) 
  Europe  YoY Growth (%)  US  YoY Growth (%) 
2001 68.9   355.3  
2002 169.8 146.4 557.1 56.8
2003 416.0 145.0 821.3 47.4
2004 979.8 135.5 1,137.2 38.5
Source: eMarketer, May 2002 

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