
Bright Future Predicted For Gaming Platforms

Bright Future Predicted For Gaming Platforms

Video game platforms are set to experience rapid growth in the coming years according to a report by Screen Digest for the European Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA).

The study entitled Wireless, Interactive TV & Online Gaming claims that iTV, mobile and multiplayer console games will energise the home entertainment sector and bring about a significant boost in turnover. This research echoes a recent report by the Informa Media Group in which it was estimated that the global games market will be worth $38.1 billion by the end of the decade (see Web, Mobiles And iTV Move Into Fast-Growing Gaming Market).

Screen Digest predicts that European spending on the emerging gaming services will escalate from E127 million in 2001 to E6.5 billion in 2006.

“As the technology, networks, and business models come together, online gaming in all its forms will become the next significant growth driver in the interactive entertainment business,” said Ben Keen, co-author of the report.

Consoles Online services are currently being rolled out for Sony’s Playstation 2, Microsoft’s Xbox and Nintendo’s GameCube and these are expected to generate more than E2.5 billion in European revenues by 2006. Broadband providers will be encouraged by the forecast that 16.6 million households across Europe will connect their consoles to the internet over the next five years.

Mobile gaming Mobile phone gaming is expected to be equally lucrative and will provide much needed comfort to operators who have yet to see a return on their investment in 3G licenses. New handsets with colour screens that can download games are expected to hit the market this year and Screen Digest predicts that they will have been snapped up by 60 million Europeans by the end of 2003. Consumer spending on mobile gaming is set to jump from E70 million last year to E2.2 billion in 2006.

Interactive television British companies currently lead the way in the development of games for digital TV and Screen Digest estimates that UK spending on iTV games will more than double from £50.7 million in 2002 to £132 million in 2006. By that stage, the entire European iTV gaming market will be worth approximately E470 million.

Online gaming There are currently 1 million paying subscribers to Internet games worldwide and the study claims that this will grow to 7 million by 2006. European spending in this sector will amount to E265 million in four years time. However, multiplayer computer gaming is expected to be overshadowed by “games on demand”, literally games which can be downloaded or streamed by PC users. This market is expected to be valued at E930 million by 2006.

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