
Chinese Flocking To The Web While US Share Falls

Chinese Flocking To The Web While US Share Falls

China has overtaken Japan to become the world’s second most active web audience, according to e-business intelligence provider, WebSideStory.

The world’s most populous country accounted for 6.63% of all global internet traffic in July. Despite technological superiority and a larger number of individual users than China, Japan is now only third in the standings with 5.24% of worldwide traffic.

During July, the UK and Canada both accounted for just over 3.9% of all web traffic, ahead of Germany which had 3.64% of the global internet audience.

American citizens continue to be by far the most prolific users of the web although it is noticeable that US audience share has slipped from 45.02% in early 2001 to 42.65% last month.

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