
Streaming Media Attracting European Companies, Says IDC

Streaming Media Attracting European Companies, Says IDC

The corporate sector has emerged as the early adopter of digital content, according to a new study by researchers at IDC.

However, the market remains relatively immature with only 13% of corporations claiming to be using streaming media. About 6% plan to invest in the technology by the end of the year and a further 16% after this timescale.

Streaming is predominantly being used for internal communications within companies but it is a versatile tool and is expected to prove especially practical in facilitating enterprise training.

“Ultimately, the streaming opportunity could displace company investment in traditional methods of corporate communications and replace it with spending on streaming infrastructure and services,” said Daniel O’Boyle Kelly, Research Director of IDC’s European internet research.

The consumer market is dominated by audio streaming with one in three internet users said to have listened to music online. Approximately 60% of audio streamers are under 35 and a majority are male.

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