
Streaming Media Encourages Music Sales, Says Report

Streaming Media Encourages Music Sales, Says Report

People who have watched or listened to streaming media online in the past week buy more compact discs than the average American, according to a new study by Arbitron and Edison Media Research.

The report, Internet 9: The Media and Entertainment World of Online Consumers found that weekly “Streamies” bought twenty-one CDs in the last twelve months, higher than the national average of thirteen.

“While some in the record industry have viewed streaming as a threat, this research indicates that Streamies are a very lucrative group of record buyers,” said Bill Rose, vice president and general manager of Arbitron Webcast Services.

The study also found that US residential broadband adoption has more than doubled in the last year and a half. Those with a cable modem or DSL internet connection leapt from 12% back in January 2001 to 28% in July 2002.

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