
US Outdoor Revenue Falls 4.6% In H1

US Outdoor Revenue Falls 4.6% In H1

Outdoor advertising spend in the US fell by 4.6% in the first half, according to the latest data from the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA).

The OAAA says that the decline does not paint as bleak a picture as might first seem to be the case, as many other media – which are now showing some slight return to growth – were already in decline in H1 2001. Outdoor, by contrast, was holding steady at this point and did not move into decline until later in the year. As a result, a ‘rebound’ is expected for the sector during the third and fourth quarters of this year.

For comparison, a breakdown of H1 2002 ad revenue figures from CMR is shown below. CMR forecasts that US outdoor will show a 1.0% revenue decline for the full year.

  Jan-Jun 2001 ($m)  Jan-Jun 2002 ($m)  % Change 
Network TV 9,971 10,388 4.2%
Spot TV 6,940 7,215 4.0%
Cable TV 5,480 4,949 -9.7%
Syndication-National 1,618 1,414 -12.6%
Spanish Lang. TV 757 959 26.7%
Cons./Sunday Mags 8,677 8,359 -3.7%
B2B Magazines 3,226 2,555 -20.8%
Local papers 8,953 9,519 6.3%
National papers 1,560 1,460 -6.4%
Radio 3,873 4,165 7.5%
Internet 1,504 1,532 1.9%
Outdoor 1,224 1,168 -4.6%
Source: CMR, August 2002 

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