
UK Industry Group Predicts Online Christmas Bonanza

UK Industry Group Predicts Online Christmas Bonanza

With Christmas exactly three months away, online retailers are turning their attention to the festive season and the Interactive Media in Retail Group (IMRG) has sought to convince the public that internet shopping is cheap, hassle-free and above all secure.

It is estimated that more than 10 million people in the UK will shop online for Christmas presents this year, spending around £1 billion per month on the web during November and December.

In an effort to convince sceptics of the merits of e-commerce, the IMRG has issued tips for online buyers and provided a list of more than 260 shops who support its ISIS (Internet Shopping Is Safe) campaign.

“Internet shopping is now at least as safe as shopping in a store or by phone so there is no need for anyone to miss out on the benefits it can provide,” said Jo Tucker, Managing Director of the IMRG.

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