
ITV Shows Autumn Pick-Up In Viewing And Revenue

ITV Shows Autumn Pick-Up In Viewing And Revenue

ITV viewing figures are improving ‘significantly’ during the autumn season and are now tracking flat compared with last year, according to analysts at Merrill Lynch.

In August, ITV1’s share of viewing was 23.7%, a year on year decline of 1.1% points, but a rise from July’s low of 22.4%. BBC1 remained virtually flat both year on year and month on month in August at 25.5%, according to BARB data from MediaTel.co.uk. Merrill Lynch questions whether this autumn recovery by the Network is sustainable.

Ad revenue Advertising revenue is still strengthening in the short-term, according to the broker. September is forecast to be up by 2%, October by 9%, November +1% and December down by 5%, due to an exceptional five weekend December last year.

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