
European Online Sales To Rise 55% This Christmas, Says Jupiter

European Online Sales To Rise 55% This Christmas, Says Jupiter

Europeans will spend E4.5 billion via the internet in the two month run-up to Christmas a rise of 55% year on year. This is according to European Holiday Shopping 2002, a new report from Jupiter Research.

The report says that the number of online shoppers in Europe is growing at a much faster rate than the online population as a whole, from 36 million in 2001 to a predicted 52 million by the end of this year.

UK leads the way The majority of online spend comes from the UK, which will account for E1.4 billion in November and December, one third of the European total, according to the Jupiter data.

The Interactive Media in Retail Group estimates that more than 10 million people in the UK will shop online for Christmas presents this year, spending around £1 billion (E1.6 billion) per month in November and December (see UK Industry Group Predicts Online Christmas Bonanza).

Related forecasts Forecasts from GartnerG2 predict that European ecommerce spend will reach E15.8 billion for the whole of Q4 2002 (see Online Shopping Thriving Despite Economic Uncertainty). Separate research from Jupiter forecasts that approximately 56% of internet users in Europe will be shopping online by 2007, spending E80 billion (see European Online Consumer Spending To Total E80 Billion By 2007).

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