
Online Media Helps To Fuel Ad Recovery

Online Media Helps To Fuel Ad Recovery

Online advertising spending growth will outpace growth in total US media spend in 2003, according to a white paper from eMarketer.

The Media Spending Outlook produced in conjunction with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) predicts that overall ad expenditure will increase by 4.7% next year. This estimate is in line with a number of recent US ad forecasts (see Insight Analysis: US Advertising Forecast Comparisons).

After two difficult years, internet advertising is becoming popular again and the report suggests that the sector will grow by 6.3% in 2003. The IAB calculates that US online ad revenue totalled $1.47 billion in the last quarter.

“We’re experiencing a vital turnaround here,” said Greg Stuart, IAB President and CEO. “Interactive advertising has finally defined its role in the overall marketing mix – as the ‘active ingredient’. Now that buyers have seen early cross media research and understand how interactive makes offline media more efficient, many are making significant investments in interactive advertising in 2003.”

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