
UK Broadband Revolution Gathers Pace

UK Broadband Revolution Gathers Pace

Broadband continues to win hearts and minds in the UK with new findings from Oftel revealing that 84% of internet customers are now aware of high-speed services and their merits compared to just over 50% in February 2002.

New subscribers to permanent connections were wholly responsible for the increase in internet connectivity during November (see Broadband Stimulates UK Internet Market) and Oftel claims that the UK now has more than 1.4 million broadband users.

Commenting on the research, David Edmonds, Director General of Telecommunications said: “Broadband has really taken off in the UK with almost 30,000 customers a week signing up for broadband services. One in ten homes with internet access now use broadband and this figure is rising fast as people become more aware of the benefits that broadband can bring.”

His sentiments were endorsed by Stephen Timms, the e-Commerce Minister who said: “These findings are great news for the UK. It is wonderful to see the joint work of Government and Industry in raising awareness of the benefits of broadband really paying off. I look forward to seeing this trend continue.”

There appears to be a high level of customer satisfaction with internet services in the UK as the average household spends about nine hours a week online and 90% of those questioned said they were content with the performance of their ISP.

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