
FTTH Has A Long Way To Go, Says In-Stat/MDR

FTTH Has A Long Way To Go, Says In-Stat/MDR

The US is lagging behind other developed countries in terms of the penetration of fiber to the home connections, reports In-Stat/MDR.

At present, less than 1% of broadband subscribers in the US use an FTTH connection. The technology is more prevalent in countries where there has been substantial investment in telecommunications. The likes of Korea, Sweden, Japan and Italy have led the way and there are now 390,000 fiber to the home subscribers in the Asia-Pacific and Europe regions compared to just 50,000 in North America.

In-Stat claims that falling prices will result in global subscriptions increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 49.6% between now and 2007, enabling FTTH to be more competitive in a market where DSL and cable still dominate (see World Broadband Population Set To Boom).

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