
US Mobile Penetration Continues To Rise

US Mobile Penetration Continues To Rise

At the end of 2002, 53% of the population in the 35 largest US markets subscribed to a mobile phone service, according to a new report from Telephia.

The company, which provides wireless market information, found that one in four non-subscribers plans to sign up for mobile services in 2003 with young adults and Hispanics likely to be the primary drivers behind this growth.

“The most important question for the industry is not whether growth will continue but rather how to best market to the many who are ready to come on board and convince those who aren’t quite there yet,” said Mick Mullagh, president and chief executive officer of Telephia.

Despite showing signs of expension, the US lags behind Western Europe in terms of market penetration. Last year, the Yankee Group estimated that 75% of people in the region had a mobile phone and this is set to increase to 88% by 2007 (see European Mobile Industry Given Fresh Boost).

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