
Multi-Media Messaging Shows Potential For Advertisers

Multi-Media Messaging Shows Potential For Advertisers

Around 20% of mobile phone users will soon have handsets capable of receiving multi-media messages (MMS), according to a study by Continental Research.

The Winter 2003 Mobile Phone Report shows that 4% of mobile phone users already have phones capable of sending and receiving photo-messages, with a further 14% likely to get the feature when they next upgrade their handset. This will provide advertisers with a potential market of 6.1 million consumers, capable of receiving multi-media marketing messages.

Continental Research predicts that almost 10 million mobile phone users are willing to pay extra for a handset capable of receiving photo-messages. Almost half of those willing to invest in the new technology are aged between 15 and 24, while just one in ten are aged 55 and over. This suggests that photo-messaging will be concentrated amongst younger mobile phone users in its early stages.

Commenting on the findings, Colin Shaddick, director of Continental Research, said: “The most frequent reason given for either having or wanting photo messaging is because it is seen as a fun service, which is the theme of most of the advertising concerning photo messaging at present. It will be interesting to see if future advertising focuses on any of the other reasons in a bid to boost uptake.”

The research also confirms that Britain has become a nation obsessed with mobile phones, with the number of users exceeding 49.8 million by the end of last year.

The growth in the number of mobile phone users is reaching saturation point, with improved features such as colour screens, polyphonic ringtones and built-in radios prompting new subscribers to join at the rate of 100,000 a month.

The study shows that there is almost no age barrier to mobile phone usage, with one in five owners aged 15 to 24 and one in ten aged 65 or over. Usage among the various demographic groups is also virtually identical, with 24% of ABs and 25% of DEs owning a mobile phone.

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