
Internet Usage Up 16% In 2002, Says ONS

Internet Usage Up 16% In 2002, Says ONS

The number of UK households with internet access increased by 1.6 million to 11.4 million during 2002, according to a new report from the Office of National Statistics.

The latest Expenditure and Food Survey found that the number of online homes remained constant at more than 11 million in the final three months of the year. Some 45% of UK households now have ready access to the web, a rise of 6 percentage points year on year.
Household Internet Penetration Q4 Comparisons 
Year  Households With Internet Access (m)  Growth (%)  % Of Households With Access From Home Computers  % Of Households With Home Access Using All Forms Of Access 
1998 2.2 9
1999 5.1 132 20
2000 8.6 69 33 34
2001 9.8 14 37 39
2002 11.4 16 43 45
Source: ONS, April 2003 

Demographic observations According to the National Statistics Omnibus Survey, some 62% of adults in Great Britain have used the internet at some time. As before, the percentage of adults who had ever used the internet decreased with age ranging from 95% of people aged 16 to 24 to 15% for those aged 65 and over.

The most popular location for accessing the internet for personal use remains the respondent’s own home (80%) followed by their workplace (38%) or another person’s home (36%). Children’s usage was also analysed and approximately four in five adults said that at least one person aged between 5 and 15 in the household had accessed the internet at some point, either at home or school.

The ONS deduced that men still use the internet more than women. The research shows that 62% of males who accessed the internet for private use did so more than once a week compared to 47% of female users.

The most popular activities carried out by internet users are researching products and services, using email and ordering goods and tickets. According to the survey, there is a direct correlation between internet experience and online shopping behaviour. By February 2003, 57% of adults who had used the internet for more than three years had bought or ordered online, compared with 41% who had used it for more than a year but less than three years and one-in-four of those who had been online for less than 12 months.

Of those who had purchased products and services in the three months leading up to survey, just under 40% stated that they had spent £100 or less, while 19% had paid out more then £500.

Amount Spent Online By UK Internet Shoppers In The 3 Months To Feb 2003 
Spend  % Of Shoppers 
£100 or less 39
£101 to £200 17
£202 to £500 24
Over £500 19
Don’t Know 1
Source: ONS, April 2003 

Non-users Some 38% of UK residents have never accessed the internet and the study sought to determine the reasons behind this. Over 40% of these ‘refusenets’ said they were not interested in the medium while 30% had no means of access and 26% cited a lack of confidence or skills required to use the web. The results bear comparison with a recent US study carried out by Pew Internet & American Life (see Refusenets Still Resist The Lure Of The Web).

The Q4 usage statistics bear testament to the fact that growth is slowing and steps may have to be taken to encourage non-users to change their ways. The survey found that three-quarters of adults who have never accessed the internet had no plans to go online in the next year.

Internet findings from the previous Expenditure and Food Survey are available Home Internet Usage Still Growing.

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