
Global Country By Country Internet Usage Figures

Global Country By Country Internet Usage Figures

The latest internet population estimates for over sixty countries appear below. They were compiled by CyberAtlas from a variety of available sources.

Nielsen//NetRatings calculated that there were 580 million internet users in major markets at the end of 2002 (see Internet Usage Still Growing Worldwide) although growth is stagnating in the most developed countries. Unless stated, population, internet usage and ISP statistics are taken from CIA’s World Factbook while active user information is provided by Nielsen//NetRatings.

A recent overview of the online market is available INSIGHTanalysis: The Internet Approaches Maturity.

Internet Population Estimates, By Country 
Country  Population (m)  Internet Users (m)  Active Users (m)  ISPs 
Argentina 37.4 2.0 (D’Alessio IROL) 1.9 33
Australia 19.5 10.5 (Nielsen//NetRatings) 6.5* 718
Austria 8.2 3.7 1.3 37
Belarus 10.4 0.42 N/A 23
Belgium 10.3 3.76 1.6 61
Brazil 176 19.7 (Nielsen//NetRatings) 7.5* 50
Bulgaria 7.7 0.59 (GfK) N/A 26
Canada 31.9 16.84 8.8 760
Chile 15.5 3.1 N/A 7
China 1300 45.8 N/A 3
Colombia 41 1.15 N/A 18
Costa Rica 3.8 0.38 N/A 3
Croatia 4.4 0.48 N/A 9
Czech Republic 10.2 2.2 (GfK) N/A >300
Denmark 5.4 3.37 N/A 13
Ecuador 13.4 0.33 N/A 13
Egypt 70.7 0.6 N/A 50
Estonia 1.4 0.43 N/A 38
Finland 5.2 2.69 N/A 3
France 59.8 16.97 11.18* 62
Germany 83.2 41.8 (Nielsen//NetRatings) 22.1* 200
Greece 10.6 1.4 N/A 27
Hong Kong 7.3 4.35 2.17* 17
Hungary 10.1 1.2 N/A 16
India 1000 7 N/A 43
Indonesia 231 4.4 N/A 24
Iran 66.6 0.42 N/A 8
Ireland 3.9 1.31 N/A 22
Israel 6.0 1.2 (eMarketer) 0.98 21
Italy 57.7 25.3 (Nielsen//NetRatings) 11.5* 93
Japan 127 56 26.42* 73
Kenya 31.1 0.5 N/A 65
Lebanon 3.6 0.42 (Arab Advisors) N/A 22
Libya 5.2 0.32 (Internet Arab World) N/A 1
Malaysia 22.6 5.7 N/A 7
Mexico 103.4 3.5 N/A 51
Morocco 31.1 0.4 N/A 8
Netherlands 16 9.73 6.36* 52
New Zealand 3.9 2.06 N/A 36
Norway 4.5 2.68 N/A 13
Peru 28.0 3.0 N/A 10
Philippines 84.5 4.5 N/A 33
Poland 39.0 4.9 (Zycle) N/A 33
Portugal 10.1 4.4 N/A 16
Puerto Rico 4.0 0.6 N/A 76
Romania 22.3 1 N/A 38
Russia 145 18 N/A 35
Saudi Arabia 22.8 0.3 (Internet Arab World) N/A 42
Singapore 4.5 2.31 0.96 9
Slovakia 5.4 0.7 (TNS Factum) N/A 6
Slovenia 1.9 0.4 (RINE Project) N/A 11
South Africa 43.6 3.07 N/A 150
South Korea 48.3 25.6 N/A 11
Spain 40.1 17 (Nielsen//NetRatings) 6.85* 56
Sweden 8.9 6.1 (Nielsen//NetRatings) 3.87* 29
Switzerland 7.3 3.85 2.5* 44
Taiwan 22.3 6.4 (iamasia) 5.0 8
Thailand 61.8 4.1 (Bangkok Poll Center) N/A 15
Tunisia 9.8 0.4 N/A 1
Turkey 67.3 2.5 N/A 50
Ukraine 48.8 0.75 (Committee on Comm. & Info.) N/A 32
United Arab Emirates 2.5 0.9 N/A 1
United Kingdom 59.8 30.4 (Nielsen//NetRatings) 17.73* >400
United States 280.5 168.6 (Nielsen//NetRatings) 122.43* 7,800
Uruguay 3.4 0.4 N/A 14
Venezuela 24.3 1.3 N/A 16
Vietnam 81.1 0.4 N/A 6
* March 2003, at-home figure
Source: various, as noted 

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