
Myers Trims 2003 US Ad Forecasts And Raises 2004

Myers Trims 2003 US Ad Forecasts And Raises 2004

Jack Myers has brought down slightly his 2003 US advertising spend forecasts, from a previous estimate of $163.7 billion – or 3.3% growth – to $163.3 billion, representing 3.1% growth.

New figures in the Jack Myers Report put 2004 expenditure up 5.0% at $171.9 billion; the previous forecast was for growth of 4.6%. The cuts in the 2003 figures are the result of the war in Iraq. The conflict caused marketers to be reluctant to make Q2 commitments, according to Myers.

“My projections are the most bullish among the major analysts and forecasters. However, these forecasts are based on primary intelligence gathered from marketers, media sales executives and media buyers,” says Myers. He believes that key categories such as automotive, retail and entertainment will show growth in 2003 and 2004, whereas other commentators have remained less optimistic.

Myers says that all the economic indicators reviewed point to a “sustained positive climate” for advertising and media in 2004. “Even if the general economic climate remains sluggish, ad spending will not be significantly impacted,” he claims.

US Advertising Spend, Share And Growth Forecasts, By Medium 
ÂÂ 2003  2004 
Media  % Growth  $ (million)  % Share  % Growth  $ (million)  % Share 
Newspapers 1.0 44,296 26.8 2.0 45,181 26.0
Broadcast networks 4.0 16,624 10.0 5.6 17,555 10.1
Local & national spot TV 1.2 21,234 12.8 9.8 23,315 13.4
Broadcast syndication 3.8 2,796 1.7 4.5 2,921 1.7
Radio 2.0 19,613 11.8 4.0 20,397 11.7
Yellow pages 1.0 14,117 8.5 0.0 14,117 8.1
Magazines 4.0 17,114 10.3 4.5 17,885 10.3
Network cable TV 8.0 13,500 8.2 9.6 14,796 8.5
Local/regional cable TV 15.0 4,715 2.8 18.0 5,564 3.2
Online traditional adv. 16.0 4,060 2.5 20.0 4,872 2.8
Online non-trad. marketing -25.0 2,250 1.4 -15.0 1,913 1.1
Outdoor 1.0 5,238 3.2 2.0 5,343 3.1
Total  2.5  165,557  100.0  5.0  173,859  100.0 
Total exc. Online non-trad. marketing  3.1  163,307  100.0  5.3  171,946  100.0 
Source: Jack Myers Report, May 2003 

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