
INSIGHTanalysis: US Ecommerce Estimates & Forecasts

INSIGHTanalysis: US Ecommerce Estimates & Forecasts

Recent forecasts show that more than $50 billion will be spent on online purchases in the US this year and there are signs that internet retailers are prospering at the expense of their offline rivals.

A report from The Media Audit shows that 29.6 million US homea have made five or more online purchases in the past twelve months, an increase of 4.4 million year on year.

The survey of 85 US metro markets suggests that 22.5% of households are regular online shoppers, adding weight to the argument that internet stores are poised to attract big bucks.

“The dot com bust, corporate scandals and a sluggish economy seems to have had no impact on internet shopping,” said Bob Jordan, co-chairman of International Demographics which produces The Media Audit.

According to the Department of Commerce, US online retail sales increased by almost 27% to $45.5 million in 2002 while total sales were up by little more than 3%. Internet purchases raised $14.3 million in revenues in the key fourth quarter, equivalent to 1.6% of all retail sales.

Estimated Quarterly US Retail Sales* 
    Total  Ecommerce 
Year  Period  Sales ($bn)  YoY Growth (%)  Sales ($bn)  YoY Growth (%)  As % Of Total Sales 
2000 Q1 711.60 11.2 5.81 NA 0.8
  Q2 771.69 7.4 6.35 NA 0.8
  Q3 765.54 5.5 7.27 NA 0.9
  Q4 810.31 3.3 9.46 NA 1.2
  Full Year 3059.14 NA 28.89 NA 0.9
2001 Q1 724.22 1.8 8.26 42.2 1.1
  Q2 805.25 4.3 8.25 29.9 1.0
  Q3 782.09 2.2 8.24 13.3 1.1
  Q4 856.29 5.7 11.18 18.2 1.3
  Full Year 3167.85 3.6 35.93 24.4 1.1
2002 Q1 743.81 2.7 9.88 19.7 1.3
  Q2 825.24 2.5 10.27 24.5 1.2
  Q3 827.46 5.8 11.06 34.3 1.3
  Q4 869.59 1.6 14.33 28.2 1.6
  Full Year 3266.10 3.1 45.54 26.7 1.4
* excluding food services
Source: US Department of Commerce, February 2003 

Independent studies The US government’s statistics are backed up by new research from Shop.org and Forrester Research which found that sales revenues went up by 48% to $76 billion last year. Unlike other surveys, this study of 130 retailers took into account spending on travel, which accounts for about a third of ecommerce B2C sales.

Figures from other research groups (which do not include travel) show encouraging growth in the online retail sector and there is no evidence of an imminent slowdown.

US Online Retail Sales Estimates ($ billion) 
   2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005 
Bizrate.com, Jan 2003 35.87 47.98
eMarketer, Apr 2003 28.15 34.38 45.54 58.23 72.60 88.10
Jupiter Research, Feb 2003 24.10 31.00 40.40 51.70 63.90 77.10
Source: eMarketer, April 2003; various, as noted, 2003 

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