
Research Shows Worldwide DSL Growth

Research Shows Worldwide DSL Growth

The global DSL market continues to prosper with latest figures showing that the number of lines increased by over 15% in the first three months of 2003.

Point Topic reports that there were 41.4 million DSL lines worldwide at the end of the first quarter, up from 35.9 million at the close of 2002 (see DSL Growth Is ‘Telecoms Success Story’, Says Point Topic).

A quarter on quarter comparison shows that growth actually fell from 17.3% to 15.3% but this was attributed to seasonal factors and even so, the installed base has grown by 90% in the twelve months to March 2003.

In regional terms, Asia-Pacific countinues to hold sway with a 40% share of the market. However, Europe is gaining ground with the number of DSL lines up by almost 2,000 in the first three months of 2003. The UK led the way among major countries with total lines up by 45% to almost 800,000.

DSL growth was less marked in the mature broadband markets of North America (6.7%) but China has emerged as a potential powerhouse and the number of lines in South and East Asia increased by almost a third in Q1.

Global DSL Lines By Region 
  Q1 2003  Q4 2002   
Region  Lines (000s)  % Of Total  Lines (000s)  % Of Total  % Growth 
Asia-Pacific 16446.4 39.8 14517.8 40.4 13.3
Western Europe 11284.1 27.3 9378.7 26.1 20.3
North America 8728.5 21.1 8177.0 22.8 6.7
South & East Asia 3520.0 8.5 2652.0 7.4 32.7
Latin America 993.2 2.4 874.5 2.4 13.6
Middle East & Africa 233.8 0.6 173.4 0.5 34.8
Eastern Europe 156.2 0.4 124.1 0.3 25.9
Total  41362.2  100.0  35897.5  100.0  15.2 
Source: Point Topic, June 2003 

Japan has now taken over from South Korea as the world’s leading DSL market with more than 7 million lines. The US has also surpassed Korea but it should be acknowledged that the republic has by far the highest penetration rate with almost 30% of its population having access to DSL broadband services.

The next generation of broadband has now arrived in the Far East in the shape of Very-high-speed DSL (VDSL), which has already attracted over 500,000 subscribers in South Korea.

Top Countries In Number Of DSL Lines 
    Lines (000s)   
Rank  Country  Q1 2003  Q4 2002  % Growth 
1 Japan 7023.0 5640.0 24.5
2 US 6990.3 6450.6 8.4
3 South Korea 6705.2 6438.0 4.2
4 Germany 3640.0 3210.0 13.4
5 China 2900.0 2220.0 30.6
6 Taiwan 2170.0 2024.5 7.2
7 France 1778.6 1365.8 30.2
8 Canada 1738.2 1726.4 0.7
9 Italy 1156.0 910.0 27.0
10 Spain 1142.0 960.1 18.9
Source: Point Topic, June 2003 

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