
UK Television Platform Penetration Forecasts

UK Television Platform Penetration Forecasts

Digital television will be received by more than half of all UK TV homes by the end of this year, with penetration set to rise to more than 82% by 2008, according to a consensus of recent market forecasts.

Figures from Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers and ZenithOptimedia were compiled by the Competition Commission in its inquiry into the merger of Carlton and Granada. Added to these here are predictions from Merrill Lynch, made in June this year.

The groups all forecast broadly the same patterns, although there are discrepancies between predicted growth rates. Merrill Lynch, for example, is more bullish on pay-TV penetration growth than it is on the rise of free-to-air platform Freeview. ZenithOptimedia’s figures display pretty much the reverse opinion.

By 2007, Merrill expects pay-TV to reach 52.1% of TV homes, whilst ZenithOptimedia predicts just 43.0%. Freeview is expected to hit 36.8% penetration by this time according to ZenithOptimedia, whilst Merrill analysts forecast just 20.3%.

There is more agreement when it comes to the decline of analogue television though, with the consensus showing a rapid decline from 55.8% last year to just 17.4% by 2008.

Multichannel TV Penetration Trends And Forecasts (Share Of TV Households*) 
  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010 
Morgan Stanley 31.7 35.1 37.9 41.1 44.1 47.0 49.8 50.9 51.7 52.4
Lehman Brothers 31.6 39.0 42.7 38.9 39.9 41.9 44.8 49.4
Merrill Lynch 39.0 41.2 42.8 46.0 49.2 52.1 54.7
ZenithOptimedia 25.0 26.7 32.2 39.1 42.2 39.1 39.7 39.9 40.6 41.8 43.0
Average  25.0  26.7  31.9  39.1  38.9  38.0  39.7  41.4  43.9  46.0  48.6  52.8  51.7  52.4 
Free-to-air TV (Freeview)                             
Morgan Stanley 7.8 8.5 15.1 21.1 26.0 30.3 33.8 36.8 39.3 41.2
Lehman Brothers 0.0 0.2 0.6 4.6 8.4 14.5 22.1 30.3
Merrill Lynch 5.3 8.9 11.8 14.8 17.7 20.3 23.0
ZenithOptimedia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 6.1 10.2 14.6 19.7 26.9 36.8
Average  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.2  3.0  6.1  10.7  15.5  20.7  25.0  30.3  29.9  39.3  41.2 
Analogue TV                             
Morgan Stanley** 60.5 56.4 47.0 37.8 29.9 22.7 16.4 12.3 9.0 6.4
Lehman Brothers 68.4 60.9 56.7 56.5 51.7 43.6 33.1 20.2
Merrill Lynch 55.7 49.9 45.5 39.2 33.1 27.6 22.4
ZenithOptimedia 75.0 73.3 67.8 60.7 57.2 54.7 50.0 45.5 39.8 31.3 20.2
Average  75.0  73.3  68.1  60.8  58.1  55.8  49.7  43.1  35.5  29.0  21.1  17.4  9.0  6.4 
* Morgan Stanley calculates as percentage of all households 
** Calculated as all households minus pay-TV and FTA 
Source: As above, Competition Commission’s March-August 2003 ITV merger inquiry, MediaTelINSIGHT 

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