
Havas Foretells Growth In Marketing Spend

Havas Foretells Growth In Marketing Spend

Spending on marketing and communications in the world’s major markets is set to rise by 4.4% next year, according to a study carried out by the French advertising group Havas.

The report, published in conjunction with the London Business School, claims that expenditure on traditional advertising will grow 4.2% in 2004 with spend on market services predicted to increase by 4.6%.

The pronouncement follows recent forecasts from Merrill Lynch, ZenithOptimedia and Universal McCann projecting global advertising growth of between 4.7% and 5.8% for the next twelve months.

Havas surveyed 772 decision makers in the United States, Germany, Britain, France, Brazil and China. Of those questioned, 48% said that they intended to raise online adspend budgets and 13% indicated that they would be increasing investment on SMS advertising.

Interactive adspend is expected to jump 14.2% across the six markets in 2004 with growth of 18.8% in the UK and 15.3% in the US.

For a comparison of all the latest advertising spend and growth forecasts click here.

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