
Magazines Set To Benefit From Economic Growth

Magazines Set To Benefit From Economic Growth

Magazines are well placed to benefit from economic growth, according to Mark Cattle, director of The Royal Bank of Scotland.

According to the Periodical Publishers Association, Cattle said at the PPA’s 2004 magazine conference: “Magazines are well placed to benefit from the economic upturn due to the unique relationship they have with their readers, which they maintain, build, develop, deepen and leverage”.

Cattle said at the opening session that “interest and demand in the magazine sector remained high”. However, he predicted issues such as regulation, advertising, intensity, fragmentation, content, distribution and the declining circulation of printed media could affect performance.

Cattle added: “In 2004, we expect UK GDP growth to return to 2.5%, while UK advertising growth is expected to be 3.5%, compared to 2.7% in the Eurozone” reports PPA.

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