
Email Marketing Delivery Rates Grow

Email Marketing Delivery Rates Grow

Email marketing in the US has been performing at a steady rate during the first quarter of 2004, with click-through and open rates declining slightly but delivery rates up 1.5% from one year ago, says a new report from DoubleClick.

During the year, click-through rates (CTR) generally stayed about the same or declined over the year, except for financial services emails, which saw CTR grow to 11.8% from 7.8% on the same period last year. While consumer products fell from 14% to 8.5%.

Revenue per email was down slightly from $0.26 to $0.23 quarter-on-quarter and down $0.05 from last year and sitting close to the two year low that was hit in quarter three 2002 of $0.21.

Datamonitor says that the figures for CTR and revenue per email, as well as other metrics such as open rates and orders per email delivered, demonstrate the steady performance of the industry. Though the threat of spam has increased the usage of email filtering systems and continues to be the subject of bad press, email marketing remains a viable business tool.

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