
Global Internet Users Grow By 1.5 Million In May

Global Internet Users Grow By 1.5 Million In May

The number of global internet users at-home has risen by more than 1.5 million from April 2004 to May 2004, according to a new report from Nielsen//NetRatings.

Of the 13 countries sampled, Japan saw user figures grow faster than any other country – up 7.7% to over 33 million users. In contrast, the number in Sweden dropped by 3.39% to 3,119,194 over the month.

As expected, the United States continues to dominate the internet market with over 142 million users however, this figure has dropped by 0.66% since April.

Active Internet Users By Country At Home, May 2004 
Country  April 2004  May 2004  Growth  Change 
Australia 8,441,341 8,510,814 0.82% 69,473
Brazil 11,913,640 11,681,163 -1.95% -232,477
France 13,927,159 14,308,563 2.74% 381,404
Germany 27,083,535 26,948,420 -0.50% -135,115
Hong Kong 2,558,576 2,555,144 -0.13% -3,433
Italy 15,832,124 15,821,701 -0.07% -10,424
Japan 30,793,813 33,166,276 7.70% 2,372,463
Netherlands 7,994,859 7,833,391 1.77% 138,932
Spain 8,338,762 8,474,442 -2.02% -161,467
Sweden 4,639,081 4,482,007 0.68% 31,497
Switzerland 3,228,645 3,119,194 -3.39% -157,074
United Kingdom 21,093,948 20,955,636 1.70% 351,606
United States 143,041,743 142,406,616 -0.66% -138,312
TOTALS  298,887,224  300,459,706  0.53%  1,572,482 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, June 2004 

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