
Broadband Energises The Internet

Broadband Energises The Internet

A new report from Forrester Research suggests that broadband is the force behind a new wave of technology adoption and online activity.

According to the Benchmark 2004 Data Overview: Consumer Technolographics report, the 23.1 million broadband households in North America are more likely than dial-up homes to use the internet for researching products, shopping, banking and booking travel. They are also more likely to adopt new technologies like home networks and digital video recorders (DVR).

The number of broadband households in North America has grown by 4.3% million last year to 23.1 million and now accounts for over 19.4% of all internet homes.

Canada leads the US in adoption, while only 19.4% of US households have high-speed internet access, 30.4% of Canadian households are signed up to broadband or other high-speed connection.

Broadband DSL seems to be emerging as the technology of choice for high-speed internet connection. At the end of 2001, only 31.5% of broadband subscribers chose DSL but by the end of 2003, DSL claimed 37.2% of broadband households.

In the report Forrester looks beyond the subscription rates to reveal the potential they represent. Households with broadband earn 27% more, spend 52% more time online and are much more optimistic about technology.

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