
Broadband Spurs Illegal Movie Downloading

Broadband Spurs Illegal Movie Downloading

High-speed internet connections may be a driver in movie piracy, as a Motion Picture Association of America survey (MPAA) revealed that nearly one-quarter of primarily broadband users have downloaded movies.

The survey conducted on behalf of MPAA by Online Testing Exchange found that roughly 2,900 of the 3,600 participants in the eight-country study were broadband users.

The study, which specifically targeted broadband users as they represent the next generation of internet users said, 56% of those who download movies don’t expect to discontinue the activity and 17% of non-downloaders are likely to begin downloading movies from the internet. When it come to the matter of downloading films before theatrical release, 79% of respondents said this was unacceptable.

Film downloading was most common place in Korea, with 58% respondents admitting to this. The UK was slightly below average with 20% of respondents saying they had downloaded movies.

Incidence Of Downloading Films 
Korea 58%
France 27%
United States 24%
Italy 20%
United Kingdom 20%
Germany 19%
Australia 18%
Japan 10%
Overall 24%
Source: MPAA/OTX 

A separate report out this month from Forrester, said that broadband is the force behind a new wave of technology adoption and online activity and now accounts for 19.4% of all on-line households in North America (see Broadband Energises The Internet).

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