
Rapid Growth Ahead For Mobile Gaming Services

Rapid Growth Ahead For Mobile Gaming Services

Mobile gaming services, are expected to generate $1.8 billion each year by 2009 and although generating a substantial sum, are expected to remain a niche market, accounting for just over 4% of total wireless data revenues.

According to the new report Mobile Gaming Services In The US 2004-2009, from market research firm In-Stat/MDR, it is predicted that over the next five years, nearly 78.6 million wireless subscribers in the US will play mobile games – citing an increase of more than tenfold when compared to 2003 levels.

It seems that this market has plenty scope for expansion as a recent study conducted by In-Stat/MDR revealed that, 6.5% of US wireless subscribers are extremely or very interested in purchasing mobile gaming services. In-Stat/MDR said: “This level of interest clearly identifies mobile gaming as a niche opportunity for wireless carriers, application developers and content producers.”

It seems that those who will be playing mobile games do not necessarily match the classic early adopter profile. In-Stat/MDR believes that young males are likely to be the consumers of mobile gaming and will also be users of PCs and game consoles in the home, playing these on average for 5.1 hours per week.

A report out last year from Analysys said that mobile entertainment is set to be a fast growing sector and will generate revenues worth â‚Ź3 billion by 2008 (see Mobile Games Set For Big Future, Says Analysys).

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