
Record Mobile Usage Set To Continue Next Year

Record Mobile Usage Set To Continue Next Year

Mobile phone text messages are set to break last New Years Eve’s record of 11 million, according to research done by the Mobile Data Association (MDA).

The MDA forecasts that in 2005 30 billion text messages will be sent, with an average of 82 million messages being sent a day.

To date the highest monthly total of text messages received in a month was in October of this year, when 2.3 billion texts were sent, person to person throughout the UK.

Figures have constantly exceeded 2 billion a month since the beginning of 2004 and since 2001 the UK’s annual text messaging figures have risen by over 22% per year.

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) usage is also continuing the upward trend in the UK, with October 2004 seeing a 22% increase from last October in its recorded number of WAP pages viewed.

The MDA are predicating a excellent year for WAP usage with expectations of 15 billion page impressions being made by the end of 2005.

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