
Worldwide Broadband Lines Exceed 150 Million

Worldwide Broadband Lines Exceed 150 Million

The latest analysis of the World Broadband market indicates that broadband subscriptions have risen by 53% year on year to reach 136.4 million by 30 September 2004, an increase of 47 million lines in real terms. If growth rates continue at the current rate, worldwide broadband subscribers will exceed 150 million before the end of 2004.

The results come from broadband analysis company, Point Topic, who confirm their previous predictions that the US remains the world’s leading broadband country (see Digital Subscriber Lines Continue Upward Trend) achieving 31.7 million lines in Q3, followed by China who added 3 million lines in the same period to reach 22.2 million lines. Japan is in third place with 17.2 million lines.

France overtook Canada in Q3 increasing by 5.7 million, but the UK led the way in terms of percentage growth in Europe, having added 7620,000 lines during Q3 to give a total of 5.1 million lines.

Thailand were the leaders in terms of percentage growth during Q3, increasing by 95% to reach 110,000 lines, predominantly employing digital subscriber lines (DSL). Elsewhere, Eastern European countries showed particularly strong growth, with Hungary achieving 69% growth in cable modem and Poland increasing by 59% and is approaching 500,000 lines.

Latin American countries also feature in the top ten for growth, with Mexico achieving 33% and approaching half a million lines and Argentina experiencing a 26% increase as it passed 400,000 lines.

South Korea remains the leader in terms of broadband penetration with almost 25 broadband lines per 100 people, Hong Kong follows closely in second place with 21 lines per 100 and The Netherlands has overtaken Canada with 17.5 lines per 100. Israel has 13.9 lines per 100 and is now ahead of both Japan and Sweden.

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