
UK Leads Europe In Online Spending

UK Leads Europe In Online Spending

The UK is leading Europe in its internet shopping habits, with over a quarter of UK consumers spending more than £1000 online during 2004, compared to a European average of just 15%.

The new research undertaken by global research agency Millward Brown, commissioned by the European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA), was designed to investigate the role the internet plays in consumers’ average media consumption behaviour.

The study showed that 30% of Briton’s purchased over 16 items online over the past year, compared with just 19% across Europe. Sweden is the only European country to come close to the UK’s online spend, with 24% of respondents spending more than £1000 in the past 12 months.

The research also found that 36% of 15-34 year old male shoppers have purchased over 16 items last year, compared with just 28% of females the same age.

Other key findings in the study confirmed recent research from online intelligence service Hitwise (see UK Online Travel To Equal Best Ever Month), that the UK online travel sector saw a strong performance in 2004, with Millward Brown found that four out of five net users researching into online travel proceeded to purchase. Hitwise also forecast that the UK internet travel service will reach 4.9% market share in January and that UK visits to web travel sites are up 14%, on a year on year analysis.

The new report also states that 96% of consumers claimed to be satisfied with their online shopping experience. Three-quarters of respondents said the convenience of the internet was its biggest benefit, while 65% claimed it was its speed. The research also showed that 78% of UK consumers pay for online purchases by credit card.

Commenting on the research, Michael Kleindl, chairman of the EIAA said: “The results show how consumers in the UK have adopted the internet and its time-saving capabilities to their lives more than other Europeans. With the increasing penetration of broadband across the UK this isn’t a surprise but as it becomes more widespread across Europe this gap will close and the uptake of online shopping will increase.”

This Christmas online shopping hit record numbers with internet retailers experiencing a 23% increase in internet traffic year on year, according to a report from web monitoring firm Hitwise (see UK Online Shopping Hit Record Numbers Over Christmas 2004). Over the past few years, the popularity of e-shopping has grown substantially and according to research from Nielsen//NetRatings there are currently 22.8 million people with an internet connection in the UK (see Over 50% Of UK Surfers Now Using Broadband).

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