
US Aspend Rose 9.8% In 2004

US Aspend Rose 9.8% In 2004

Strategic information provider, TNS Media Intelligence (TNSMI), has revealed US total advertising expenditure for 2004 was up by 9.8% at £141.1 billion compared to 2003, revising previous estimates of 10.6% growth for the year.

Almost all media measured by TNSMI experienced growth throughout 2004, with the internet, outdoor, cable TV and national syndication showing the strongest gains.

The internet showed the most robust year on year gain, rising by a massive 21.4% to $7.4 billion in adspend, as opposed to $6.1 billion in 2003, confirming previous estimates by TNSMI (see Online Advertising Spend Leads Growth Projections For 2005).

Local newspapers led the way in terms of dollar spending for 2004, posting $24.5 billion, an increase of 6.7% compared to 2003. Elsewhere, outdoor advertising continued the upward trend enjoying substantial growth of 20.1% to $3.2 billion for 2004, up from $2.6 billion in 2003.

Commenting on the results, Steven Fredericks, president and chief executive officer of TNSMI, said: “Advertising spending expanded steadily throughout 2004 and has grown at a faster rate than the general economy in nine of the last quarters.”

He continued: “Gains were seen in almost all forms of media. These increases were not exclusively attributed to the Summer Olympics and the Presidential election, nor confined to TV media, the form that most benefited from these two events.”

TNS Media Intelligence shows the top advertiser in spending for 2004 to be Proctor & Gamble, with a 7.4% increase to $2.9 billion in 2004, up from $2.7 billion in 2003. Other leading spenders included General Motors, whose advertising activity totalled $2.8 billion in 2004 and Time Warner with a total of $2.1 billion.

TNSMI’s figures are more optimistic than data released earlier in the month by advertising intelligence service, Nielsen Monitor-Plus, which indicated that US adspend rose by a more conservative 6.3% during 2004 year on year (see US Adspend In 2004 Up By 6.3%).

US Adspend by Media: Full Year 2004 vs. 2003 
Media  Full Year 2004 ($millions)  Full Year 2003 (%millions)  % Change 
Newspapers (local) 24,555.50 23.018.50 6.7
Network TV 22,522.40 20,340.60 10.7
Consumer magazines 21,292.20 19,145.90 11.2
Spot TV 17,305.40 15,499.20 11.7
Cable TV 14,248.80 12,521.60 13.8
Internet 7,441.50 6,131.90 21.4
Local radio 7,330.50 7,250.40 1.1
B2B magazines 5,214.10 5,125.60 1.7
Syndication – national 3,930.90 3,395.80 15.8
Hispanic media 3,888.60 3,713.80 4.7
National newspapers 3,255.20 3,053.10 6.6
Outdoor 3,213.00 2,674.40 20.1
National spot radio 2,616.50 2,635.20 -0.7
Sunday magazines 1,497.40 1,383.80 8.2
FSI’s 1,391.60 1,317.20 5.6
Network radio 1,027.80 1,000.70 2.7
Local magazines 360.2 325.4 10.7
Total  141,091.70  128,533.00  9.8 

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