
Internet Users More Likely To Own Music Players

Internet Users More Likely To Own Music Players

Over 22 million American adults have iPods or MP3 players, with internet users four times more likely than non-internet users to own one of these music devices, according to a report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

The research summary by Lee Rainie reports that 15% of internet users have iPods or MP3 players compared to just 4% of non-internet users, probably a result of internet users having the capacity to download the music they want online.

The survey conducted between January 13 and February 9 revealed that 14% of men have an iPod or MP3 player compared to 9% of women, while almost one-fifth of under 30s have one of the music devices.

The research also highlighted that respondents with higher household incomes are more likely to have iPods or MP3 players, with 24% of those with a household income of more than $75,000 own a music device compared to just 6% of those with a household income of up to $30,000.

The more advanced the internet user, the more likely they are to have an iPod or MP3 player, with the report finding that people who have six years or more online experience are twice as likely to have the devices compared to those with less than three years experience.

Broadband access is shown to be strongly associated with ownership of iPods or MP3 players, with almost a quarter of owners with broadband at home and one-third of owners with broadband at home and work. Just 9% of owners have a dial-up internet connection.

Parents with children under 18 are more likely, at 16%, to own an iPod or MP3 player, compared to just 9% of those without children. Although the Pew Survey did not include teens, the review suggests that there are several million more MP3 players owned in the teenage world.

Earlier this year, research from Nielsen//NetRatings revealed that music and online sites attracted almost half of all 12-17 year olds during December 2004 (see 78% Of Teenagers Use Internet For Entertainment).

A recent report by market research group NOP World Technology found that nearly half of 10 to 18 year olds own mobile phones, with 71% polled wanting phones that convert into MP3 players and 70% interested in phones that could double as digital cameras (see Nearly Half Of US Teens Own Mobile Phones).

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