
Advertisers Latch On To Cinema Advertising

Advertisers Latch On To Cinema Advertising

Cinema advertising in the US is increasing in popularity with advertisers, with estimates released by the Cinema Advertising Council (CAC) showing that advertisers invested $438 million on cinema adverts in 2004, an increase of 23% over 2003.

These figures make cinema one of the fastest growing major advertising media in the US, according to the CAC. In the UK, the latest figures from the Advertising Association (AA) forecast cinema adspend to rise by 5.8% in 2005 (see UK Adspend Forecast To Rise By 4.3% In 2005).

Industry sources attribute cinema’s success to a shift of advertising budgets away from traditional television adverts, as well as improved research on the medium giving advertisers an insight into both cinema goers awareness and their behaviour.

Cliff Marks, president of sales and chief marketing officer for National CineMedia explained: “how cool would it be for someone to walk into your living room, sit down and watch a large-screen version of your commercial, and know there is nowhere else for them to go?”

Research published last month by TNS and Screenvision found that consumers are more likely to bond with brands they see advertised in the cinema, showing that adverts seen in this environment drive consumer consideration and purchase intent, leading to brand trial and loyalty (see Cinema Advertising Creates Bonds With Consumers).

The survey also found that, out of movie-goers that saw cinema advertising, 70% were more likely to correctly identify the advertised brands, with the same amount motivated to purchase by in-cinema advertisements.

In the UK, the cinema industry, continues to go from strength to strength, with total admissions growing by 4% in 2004 to reach 171 million. Research from Starcom UK Group reveals that cinema screens are at a 40-year high, with multiplexes representing 67% of all screens (see Cinema Growth Good News For Advertisers).

The cinema industry has more consumer contact points, according to Starcom, providing advertisers with a powerful consumer engagement opportunity. The research reveals that, on average, ten minutes is spent in the foyer alongside increased sponsorship and promotion opportunities, such as sampling, product displays and live advertisements.

Starcom found that a key factor in cinema’s growth was the broader film choice on offer, attracting a variety of people. The past decade has seen, documentaries increase by 500%, dramas by 18% and ‘alternative’ cinema, including foreign language films, have crossed over into the mainstream.

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