
MEMS To Launch Ethnic Media Consumption Survey

MEMS To Launch Ethnic Media Consumption Survey

TV Sales house, MEMS, has announced plans to carry out one of the largest ever surveys into media consumption by ethnic minorities, aiming to gain a greater insight and education into what brands appeal to them and how advertisers should communicate with them.

The survey will build a detailed picture of multi-cultural demographics, income, lifestyle, expenditure, retail and, in particular, media consumption in the ethnic marketplace, as well as filling the ‘accountability gap’ that concerns advertisers when considering digital channels.

Anthony Greenridge, sales and marketing director of MEMS explains that the survey was set up to supplement official statistics and builds upon current ethnic research, delivering a premium source of information on ethnic minorities.

He said: “Most investment in ethnic research has been ad hoc and project focused. Our aim is eventually to set up a database that gives a broad knowledge as possible but also the ability to pinpoint specific elements and provide unique insights.”

The MEMS study will target an estimated two million viewers through its portfolio of 11 Asian, Afro-Caribbean and Latin American channels. The survey will be run online, building response through an incentivised TV campaign and promotions on the websites of its TV channels.

The research will be carried out over an initial two year period and will use qualitative and quantitative methods to deliver a broad picture of ethnic lifestyle and media consumption and also draw out the real feelings minorities have about living in the UK in the 21st century.

Feedback from the survey will be used to build a robust database for further contacts and then form a continuous ethnic panel to be used for additional insights, measuring developments over time, data mining and client campaign research projects.

The first phase will start in August and run for three months, with the results available in October. Phase two will start soon after and the research will continue on a quarterly basis.

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