
Mobile Telecoms In Asia Forecast To Rocket

Mobile Telecoms In Asia Forecast To Rocket

Asia is forecast to become the largest regional mobile telecommunications market in the world over the next five to ten years, with Asian mobile telecom revenues reaching over $260 billion by 2009, up from $180 in 2004.

According to high-tech market research firm, India will be the fastest growing entity in the region, with a 32.8% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in terms of subscribers, and 31.1% by revenues, for the period from 2004 to 2009.

Commenting on the predictions, Bryan Wang, In-Stat analyst said: “In-Stat sees Asia as the most exciting market for investors, operators, equipment vendors, and handset manufacturers. Operators like NTT, DoCoMo and Singapore Telecom are seeking investment opportunities to expand outside their home markets.”

Other findings from the Asia Wireless Annual Report show that South Korean handset vendors like Samsung and LG are significantly gaining market share in both high-end products and in developing markets.

Asia Pacific’s dominance is confirmed in eMarketer’s latest report, Asia-Pacific Wireless: Mobility on the Cutting Edge, predicting less mature wireless markets, such as China, India, the Philippines and Indonesia to enjoy a stronger subscriber base growth than more mature regions (see Asia Pacific Remains Strongest Growth In Wireless Arena).

This prediction is confirmed by the latest edition of the Global Mobile Forecasts report from Informa Telecoms & Media, claiming that almost half of new subscriptions will be in the Asia Pacific, with India and China accounting for over 30% of the region’s total (see Global Mobile Market To Reach 3 Billion By 2010).

Informa estimates worldwide growth in the mobile phone industry to hit its highest level ever this year, surpassing the 335 million new additions in 2004 (see Worldwide Mobile Growth To Hit Record High).

This healthy growth is confirmed by the latest figures from research and analysis firm Gartner, revealing a total of 190.5 million mobile phone sales during the second quarter of 2005, up by 21.6% year on year marking the second strongest quarter for handset sales on record (see Global Mobile Phone Sales Hit 190.5 Million Units In Q2 2005).

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