
M:Metrics Optimistic For Mobile Downloading

M:Metrics Optimistic For Mobile Downloading

Mobile phone game revenues look set to increase in 2006, with M:Metrics saying the overall trend for downloading is encouraging.

Despite a slight drop in the number of US subscribers paying a downloaded game in January, M:Metrics claims that the average price paid for one-off game downloads has been rising since September 2005.

According to eMarketer’s Mobile Gaming brief, world-wide gaming revenue reached $2.5 billion in 2005, with James Belcher, senior analyst and author of the report, saying the industry is “not a fad (see Mobile Phone Gaming Continues To Grow In Popularity).

Figures from market intelligence firm, IDC, forecast revenue from sales of mobile games in the US to reach $1.5 billion in 2008, up from just $600 million in 2004.

Mobile gaming is already an accepted technology, with research from NPD Group showing that 27% of users play games on their handsets (see Mobile Game Downloading On The Rise).

Informa Telecoms and Media confirms this rising popularity, estimating total global revenues from games on mobile phones to reach $11.2 billion by 2010, increasing by a massive $8.6 billion from $2.6 billion this year (see Global Mobile Games Revenues To Hit $11.2 Billion By 2010).

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