
3G Technology Alters Users Lifestyles

3G Technology Alters Users Lifestyles

The increasing penetration of mobile phone technology into consumers’ lifestyles is altering the way people communicate, creating new trends and social fragmentation.

According to a new study, commissioned by mobile network 3, 3G technology allows users to “express themselves creatively”. The report claims that a combination of video and picture capabilities on mobile phones can “inspire a generation of users.”

The research identified three main types of 3G users, Social gatekeepers, Piratopians and High Street hedonists.

Social gatekeepers were found to use 3G phones as part of their social networks to keep friends up to date, while Piratopians were “creative outsiders”, using 3G phones to make short films and other broadcasts.

High Street hedonists use their phones to show off new purchases, taking pictures of items or ask for instant opinions from their friends from dressing rooms.

Interestingly, 3G technology was found to be the most popular among the 25-34 age group, not the 18-24 age group often targeted by advertisers.

Recent figures from M:Metrics claim that the UK tops Germany and the US in terms of 3G subscriptions, with 7.7% of users subscribing to 3G services, compared to Germany at 3.2% and the USA at 1.9% (see UK And Germany Lead 3G Adoption).

Asia-Pacific still leads the world in terms of 3G adoption, with 28% of users found to play single-player mobile games on a weekly basis, versus 13% in Europe and 8% in North America (see Asia-Pacific Leads World In 3G Uptake).

According to Juniper Research worldwide subscriptions to 3G technology will reach over 300 million by 2010, up from 30 million in 2004.

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