
Portable Media Player Market To Grow

Portable Media Player Market To Grow

The portable media player (PMP) sales will reach 5 million units by the end of 2006, up from just 390,000 only two years ago, according to new research from In-Stat.

The research reveals that the video iPod in particular has helped to boost sales of PMPs, with consumers becoming more aware of portable video, additional PMP brands, and ways in which they can download video to handheld devices.

In-Stat says that in a US based survey of consumers, 75% of all respondents said that they had some level of familiarity with PMPs.

The high-tech market research company expects that over the ext year, improvements in video compression technology, download video content sites, and wireless communications will all help drive the PMP market.

However, there was a note of caution from Stephanie Ethier, In-Stat analyst, who said: “Despite the fact that PMP shipments are finally gaining traction, suppliers and manufacturers continue to face challenges. PMPs will continue to compete with other portable devices offering similar functionality, such as notebook computers, portable DVD players, handheld gaming products, and other mobile devices.”

Earlier in the year data released by radio audience measurement body RAJAR showed that 23.7% of the nation’s adult population possessed an MP3 player, with people aged 15-24 most likely to own one (see MP3 Players See Continued Boom In Ownership).

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