
BBC And Sky Dominate Mobile TV And Internet

BBC And Sky Dominate Mobile TV And Internet

The BBC and Sky dominate mobile TV and internet, according to new research from Telephia which shows that 33% of all mobile TV viewers watched BBC1, whilst 29% watched Sky Sports.

The BBC also secured top ranking amongst mobile internet sites, with 28% of all mobile web users visiting the site, whilst the Sky Sports website secured a 23% reach among mobile internet users.
Top Mobile TV Channels and Mobile Web/Internet Sites (UK) 
Mobile TV Channel  Share (%)  Mobile Internet Site  Share (%) 
BBC 1 33% BBC 28%
Sky Sports 29% SKY Sports 23%
Discovery Channel 24% BBC Sports 22%
BBC 3 22% BBC Weather 20%
BBC 2 22% Google Search 18%
BBC 4 22% Jamster 13%
ITV 1 22% Sky 11%
Cartoon Network 21% MSN Games 10%
ITV 2 21% eBay 10%
UK TV Gold 17% AA 8%
Source: Telephia Audience Measurement Report U.K. (Q3 2006)
Note: Data represents the percent of mobile TV or Internet users who report having watched or visited a mobile TV or website in the past 30 days. Differences in share between mobile TV channels and mobile Internet sites may not be statistically significant.

Among all UK mobile subscribers, there is an even 50/50 gender split. However, the research shows that both mobile TV and internet users are more likely to be men.

Mobile TV or video content is watched by 3% of UK mobile subscribers, with 70% of the audience being male. Penetration of mobile internet is higher at 19%, with men comprising 64% of the audience.

Telephia says that text and picture messaging still reign supreme with penetration rates of 85% and 35%, respectively.

Penetration and Gender Breakdown for Mobile Data Services (UK) 
Mobile Activity  Penetration (%)  Male  Female 
Sent or received a Text Message 85% 49% 51%
Sent or received a Picture Message (MMS) 35% 47% 53%
Played or downloaded Games 26% 53% 47%
Accessed the Wireless Internet 19% 64% 36%
Downloaded Ringtones 15% 53% 47%
Played or downloaded Full Track Music (MP3s) 14% 59% 41%
Sent or received an Instant Message 14% 57% 43%
Sent or received an Email 11% 64% 36%
Downloaded Wallpaper or Images 10% 61% 39%
Listened to or paid for Mobile Radio 7% 62% 38%
Used or downloaded Applications 6% 68% 32%
Uploaded pictures, videos or blogs to an Internet website 4% 56% 44%
Downloaded, watched, or paid for Mobile TV-Video 3% 70% 30%
Source: Telephia Audience Measurement Report UK (Q3 2006)

Reza Chady, managing director Europe, Telephia, said: “The big broadcasting brands in the UK have extended their footprint to reach the mobile population, and the strategy is clearly working.

“Consumers are tapping into three screens – television, PC and mobile phone – for their news and entertainment. Broadcasters must develop an integrated strategy across the three screens to reach, maintain and expand their audience.”

Recent research from Ovum said that European mobile TV operators may have to consider advertising supported offerings, as it is uncertain whether consumers will be willing to pay for services (see Mobile TV Providers Could Have To Consider Ad Supported Models).

Meanwhile, in the US, Analysys predicts that non-voice services will account, on average, for 13.3% of total service revenues for US mobile operators in 2006 and this is set to grow to 24.5% by 2011 (see Entertainment To Drive US Mobile Data Revenues).

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