
Global Economic Growth To Remain Robust In 2007

Global Economic Growth To Remain Robust In 2007

Global economic growth is predicted to remain robust at 4.9% for 2007 although inflationary pressure in advanced economies is the key downside risk to this forecast, according to OPera Media.

European GDP growth for the full year 2006 is expected to reach 2.4%, up from 1.3% in 2005, but slowing to 2% in 2007.

At present, says OPera Media, the UK economy is finely balanced. Despite growth quickening to above its long-term average in the second quarter at 0.8%, annual output is expected to grow in line with the long-term trend rate of 2.5%.

The consensus estimate from the ‘HM Treasury Forecast of the UK Economy’ shows a slight moderation in expansion for 2007 at 2.3%.

The short-term forecast sees inflation continuing to run above the 2% target, before moderating in the mid-term. OPera says that the risks to this inflation projection are: the prospects for world growth; the strength and duration of the recovery in consumer spending; the outlook for energy and commodity prices and their effect on domestic pricing; and the diminishing margin of spare resources within business and the labour markets.

The risks to inflation and growth remain broadly balanced, though there is a greater than usual uncertainty over the outlook for inflation, particularly in the near term. If inflation continues to run above the 2% target, base rate rises will undoubtedly follow.

According to a recent forecast from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, the UK economy is set to grow at or just above 2.5% per annum both this year and next (see UK Economy Set To Grow At 2.5%).

OPera adds that in the US, exceptionally strong growth in the early part of the year has moderated, with private consumption weakening against a backdrop of higher interest rates, a cooling housing market, lacklustre employment gains and high gasoline prices. The IMF predicts GDP growth for the full year at 3.4%, slowing to 2.9% in 2007.

The outlook for emerging European economies is for continued solid growth within the region, at 5.0% for 2007, says the analyst.

It adds that Japan’s recovery continues to take hold, with GDP growth for 2006 estimated at 2.7%, moderating to 2% in 2007.

International Growth: Year-on-Year GDP Growth By Region 
   2005  2006  2007 
World Output 4.9 5.1 4.9
USA 3.2 3.4 3.9
Euro Area 1.3 2.4 2.0
Germany 0.9 2.0 1.3
France 1.2 2.4 2.3
Italy n/a 1.5 1.3
Spain 3.4 3.4 3.0
UK 1.9 2.7 2.7
Russia 6.4 6.5 6.5
Japan 2.6 2.7 2.1
China 10.2 10.0 10.0
World Trade Volume 7.4 8.9 7.6

Source: IMF

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