
Global Broadband Growth Rate Drops

Global Broadband Growth Rate Drops

The global number of broadband subscribers reached 263.8 million in Q3 2006, with a total of 16.9 million lines added over the quarter, according to new analysis from Point Topic.

The figures to September 30 2006 show that broadband’s annual growth rate dropped from 38% to 33.3% in the past 12 months.

Digital subscriber line technology (DSL) is by far the most popular broadband access technology says Point Topic. Its subscriber base went up to more than 173 million in the quarter.

DSL had a 65.6% worldwide market share, rising to 82% in the European Union, the world’s largest broadband region. Cable modems hold 23% of the global broadband market with over half of those deployed in North America.

Fibre to the home or other close location (FTTx) delivers broadband to 10% of the world’s subscribers. Less than 1% of internet users receive their internet via satellite, accounting for less than one million subscribers.

The largest broadband market in the world is the USA, with more than 55.5 million subscribers, followed by China at 48.5 million.

Japan comes in third place with almost 26 million. Together, the three countries account for almost half of all broadband connections across the world.

In other research, Point Topic Swindon is maintaining its lead as the most broadband place in Britain (see Swindon Still Most Broadband Place In Britain).

Meanwhile, recent research from Screen Digest which focused on the EU also said that broadband growth is slowing (see Broadband Growth Slowing In Biggest EU Regions).

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