
US Mobile Marketing To Grow In 2007

US Mobile Marketing To Grow In 2007

US Mobile marketing and advertising looks set to explode in the coming year, according to a new report from eMarketer.

Emarketer adds that 2007 will see increased cross-media integration with the direct response capabilities of mobile handsets providing the punch line to a rich media set-up in another media.

However, several major obstacles stand in the way, not the least of which is general consumer reluctance to accept marketing or advertising messages to subsidize their mobile content or service experiences.

Mobile Advertising Spending Worldwide, 2006-2011 (Millions) 
  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011 
General Mobile Ad Spending* $1,432 $2,496 $4,316 $6,141 $9,006 $11,746
Mobile Multimedia Ad Spending** $109 $215 $421 $749 $1,295 $2,116
Total  $1,541  $2,710  $4,736  $6,890  $10,300  $13,862 
Note: Numbers may not add up to total due to rounding; *includes spending on text message promotions and ad supported voice minutes; ** includes spending on ad placements around mobile video content, mobile music, mobile TV and mobile social networks
Source: eMarketer, January 2007

A recent report from Forrester Research revealed that a growing number of consumers are moving from voice-only mobile services to other activities, which Forrester said can be seen as paving the way for a viable audience for mobile marketing (see US Consumers Ready For Mobile Marketing).

Meanwhile, a JupiterResearch forecast said that total global advertiser spending on mobile messaging and display advertising is forecast to grow from $1.4 billion in 2006 to $2.9 billion in 2011 (see Spending On Mobile Advertising Could Reach $2.9 Billion), whilst a report from Informa Telecoms and Media predicted that ad spend on mobile phones is expected to increase massively over the next five years, creating a global market worth more than $11.3 billion annually (see Mobile Ad Market To Reach $11 Billion By 2011).

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