
Females Less Likely To View Online Video

Females Less Likely To View Online Video

A new report from eMarketer says that although there are more females online than males, they are less likely to view online video than males are.

The online research firm says that there are several reasons for the disparity, but driven by female teens and the increasing availability of TV online, the gap between the sexes will begin to narrow by the end of the decade.

According to the Women Online: Taking a New Look report, while 78% of male internet users will view video online this year, just 66% of females will.

US Total Internet Users, By Gender, 2006-2011 (Millions And % Of Total Internet Users) 
  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Male Internet Users 88.0 90.9 93.5 96.4 99.2 101.6
% Of Total Internet Users 48.4% 48.3% 48.2% 48.2% 48.1% 48.1%
Female Internet Users 93.9 97.2 100.4 103.7 107.0 109.7
% Of Total Internet Users 51.6% 51.7% 51.8% 51.8% 51.9% 51.9%
Note: eMarketer uses historical data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as a baseline; an internet user is defined as someone ages 3+ who accessed the internet in the last 30 days from any location.
Source: eMarketer

Males tend to adopt new technologies more quickly than females, and have greater access to broadband, which is necessary to see video online, according to eMarketer’s analysis.

A recent report from Ofcom revealed that around half (51%) of adults with broadband at home had accessed online video clips in Q4 2006 (see Half Of UK Adults Live In Broadband Households).

EMarketer says that females, especially adult women, are more likely to use the internet to get things done, rather than to have fun.

By 2011 though, nearly 85% of female internet users will watch video online, eMarketer predicts, nearing the 88.8% of online males.

Debra Aho Williamson, eMarketer senior analyst and author of the report, said: “Early data indicate that female teens are as enthusiastic as male teens about online video.

“The networks are well-positioned to drive greater female online video usage by offering more programming that appeals to females, particularly adults.”

In other research, eMarketer said that the fastest-growing internet ad format is video, which will see spending grow by 89% in 2007 (see US Marketers Will Continue To Move Online).

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