
Global UGC Revenue Forecast To Grow

Global UGC Revenue Forecast To Grow

A new report from In-Stat says that worldwide revenue from UGC content will increase from $80 million in 2006 to $1.6 billion in 2011.

It adds that as more UGC content is viewed on TV rather than the computer monitor, the impetus to both submit and receive higher quality content will translate to much larger files being uploaded and downloaded.

Michael Inouye, In-Stat analyst, said: “Three companies in particular have and will likely continue to make headlines: Google, YouTube, and Viacom.

“The US continues to be the market leader and will be for the foreseeable future.”

In January, a report from Screen Digest forecast that by 2010 more than half (55%) of all the video content consumed online in the US will be user generated, representing 44 billion video streams (see US User Generated Content To Grow).

Meanwhile, a study from Informa Telecoms & Media predicted that the market for mobile communities and UGC will be worth $13.2 billion by 2011, with photo and chat based services being the top revenue generators (see Mobile Communities And UGC To Be Worth $13.2 Billion).

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