
Global Mobile TV Subscriber Numbers To Grow

Global Mobile TV Subscriber Numbers To Grow

A new report from Datamonitor predicts the worldwide number of mobile broadcast TV subscribers will grow from 4.4 million currently to an estimated 155.6 million by the end of 2012.

However the report Opportunities In The Mobile Broadcast TV Market, 2006 – 2012 notes that whilst mobile broadcast TV is continually highlighted as the next big thing, there are also considerable hurdles that need to be overcome.

Chris Khouri, associate media and broadcasting analyst with Datamonitor and author of the study, said: “Currently there are about 4.4 million mobile broadcast TV subscribers globally and at that, split just between a handful of countries. This subscriber base will grow to 65.6 million in 2010 and more than double to an estimated 155.6 million by 2012 – a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 66.2%.

“However, consumer education, technological fragmentation and content adaptation will have to be addressed first before mass-adoption can take place.”

Datamonitor says that the movement towards advertising models for revenue generation for mobile broadcast TV has an unquestionably long way to go.

The catalyst for this shift is ensuring that both a return on initial investment has been met and that there is a large enough subscriber base to warrant the transition. Once there is a transition, however, Datamonitor considers that the potential benefits of switching to advertising revenue models will be with leveraging operational costs and reducing costs to consumers.

A recent report from In-Stat said that mobile TV broadcast subscriber numbers will reach 125 million globally in 2011 (see Mobile TV Broadcast Market Expands).

Meanwhile, a report from Screen Digest said that by 2011, revenues from mobile TV will reach €4.7 billion from 140 million subscribers (see Mobile TV Revenue To Grow).

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