
Mobile Internet Extends Website Reach

Mobile Internet Extends Website Reach

Mobile internet extends the audience reach of many leading internet sites by an average of 13% over home PC traffic alone, according to new research from the Nielsen Company.

Nielsen’s research shows that for many internet publishers, mobile internet increases the overall size of their audience.

Jeff Herrmann, vice president of Mobile Media, Nielsen Mobile, said: “The data demonstrate that the mobile internet can not only increase the frequency of visits to a website, but also grow the overall size of the pie.

“Publishers can now monetise their total cross-platform audience, and advertisers will better understand the efficiency and incremental value of mobile web traffic.”

Weather sites get a strong lift from mobile, meaning there are people who access the sites over their phone but not over their home PC, while shopping sites have a mostly duplicated audience, meaning that mobile users who access shopping sites on their phone likely also do so over their home PC.

TotalWeb – Average Online Audience Lift Provided by Mobile Web, by Category (Q4 2007) 
Category  Average Lift (%) 
Total 13
Weather1  22
Entertainment 22
Games 15
Music 15
Email 11
Sports 10
Business/Finance 4
Social Networking 3
Search 2
Shopping/Auctions 1
Source: TotalWeb Q4 2007, The Nielsen Company. Based on 200+ Internet sites measured across both Home PC and Mobile Internet.
1To be read: In Q4 2007, weather sites measured by TotalWeb averaged a 22% lift in overall audience reach through mobile web traffic, over home PC traffic alone.

According to Nielsen, 87 million US mobile users subscribe to mobile internet services, and more than one in ten mobile subscribers (13.7%) actively uses mobile internet each month.

In April, Juniper Research published a report which forecast that total annual adspend on mobile will exceed $1 billion for the first time in 2008, reaching $1.3 billion by the end of the year and rising to nearly $7.6 billion by 2013 (see Annual Mobile Adspend To Pass $1 Billion In 2008).

In other research, meanwhile, Nielsen reported that 23% (58 million) of all US mobile subscribers say they have been exposed to advertising on their phones in the past 30 days.

Half (51% or 28 million) of all data users who recall seeing mobile advertising in the previous 30 days said they responded to a mobile ad in some way (see 28 Million US Mobile Subscribers Responded To At Least One Mobile Ad).

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