
Facebook Remains UK’s Most Popular Social Networking Site

Facebook Remains UK’s Most Popular Social Networking Site

Facebook is still the most popular social networking site in the UK following a 7.2% rise in unique users from March to April, according to new figures from comScore.

The site was up by a massive 288.9% year on year, to 14.35 million UK unique users during April.

The average time spent by each user on the site rose to 258 minutes in April, up from 228 minutes in March, a longer browsing time than that for both Bebo and MySpace.

Bebo recorded the highest number of page impressions per user in April at 665 pages, with Facebook at 520 page impressions per user.

Bebo’s users spent an average of 248 minutes on the site during April, a year on year fall of 23.5%.

MySpace’s unique users fell 1.4% from March to 8.47 million unique users, although its page impressions rose from an average of 299 per user in March to an average of 328 per user in April.

Research firm Nielsen Mobile has found that 44% of UK mobile phone subscribers belong to an online social network.

Facebook is the most popular site for mobile social networking, being visited by 557,000 Britons from their mobiles, or 9% of all UK mobile internet subscribers.

eMarketer recently revised downward its projections for US social network ad spending, now estimating that advertisers will spend $1.4 billion to place ads on social networks this year, down from the previous projection of $1.6 billion (see eMarketer Lowers Social networking Adspend Estimate).

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