
VOD via TV watched more often and for longer than IPTV

VOD via TV watched more often and for longer than IPTV

New research shows that VOD via TV is watched more often and for much longer than IPTV.

The TV 3.0: The Digital and Internet TV Report produced by Continental Research shows that satisfaction with the overall VOD via TV viewing experience is 91% compared with only 62% amongst IPTV viewers.

The research suggests that IPTV should at present be regarded as an addition to VOD (via TV) rather than an alternative.

The type of content watched on IPTV is very different from VOD via TV, said Continental. IPTV viewers are particularly keen on viewing content such as reality TV, sport, news and music that can all be consumed in short bursts. Conversely, longer content such as soaps and movies are viewed more heavily on VOD via TV.

Tim Barber, associate director at Continental Research, said: “Over time we do expect IPTV and VOD via TV to converge. This will increasingly be driven by advanced TV sets that allow viewers to view online content on their main TV set, effectively blurring the distinction between VOD and IPTV.

“The Internet has transformed industries as diverse as banking, music and travel. This process of transformation is now fully underway for TV.”

Recent US research from the Nielsen Company found that the heaviest users of the internet are also among the heaviest viewers of television.

The research said that the top fifth of US internet users spend more than 250 minutes per day watching television, compared to 220 minutes of television viewing by people who do not use the internet at all (see Research Finds TV Viewing And Internet Use Complementary).

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