Though the majority of US households are ready for the changeover to digital television next month, 5.7% – or 6.5 million homes – remain unprepared according to a report from The Nielsen Company.
Among the 56 local markets that Nielsen measures with electronic meters, the one that is least ready is Albuquerque-Santa Fe, with 12.4% of the households completely unready.
Under government-mandated action, all television stations are required to switch to digital programming by February 17, which will leave viewers without a television signal unless they purchase digital television sets, connect to cable, satellite, and alternate delivery systems or purchase a converter box.
A report from Ofcom last November found that the UK is one of the most digitally advanced nations in the world (see UK leads digital TV revolution).
Not only do 86% of UK households now have digital TV on their main set, said the regulator, but services like HDTV and digital video recorders are also growing in popularity.